What dates are performances of Once Upon a Mattress?
Once Upon a Mattress runs on Broadway from July 31 2024 to November 30 2024.
Where is Once Upon a Mattress playing?
Once Upon a Mattress is playing at the Hudson Theatre, which is located at 141 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036. More information can be found on the venue page.
How much do tickets cost?
Tickets start from $59 (inclusive of fees).
What is the age recommendation?
Once Upon a Mattress is a family-friendly show recommended for ages 5 and up.
How long is the show?
The show is 2 hours 15 minutes, including an intermission.
What is the maximum number of tickets per person?
Tickets are limited to 9 per person.
Can larger groups of 10+ book?
For groups of 10 or more, please call 866-302-0995 or visit broadwayinbound.com for tickets.
Does the venue have wheelchair access?
Elevator access is available to the Dress Circle level, though please note, there are some steps to the Dress Circle bar and seating area. There is no elevator access to the Balcony level. If you are joining us in The Ambassador Lounge, elevator access and an ADA restroom are available.
More information about accessibility at the Hudson Theatre can be found here.